Wednesday, 11 November 2015


So I decided to share this special list of a friend who really wants to impact lives also. Kindly enjoy it!!!MY aim is to encourage as many that can be.


Stop expecting imperfection.
               Perfection is not a stage but the process of striving. The ability to want better and greater is perfection.

Stop negative self- dialog
               You don’t need to continuously push yourself for past mistakes, because it is counterproductive. Just move on and put heads straight.

 Stop saying yes when am ment to say no.  
                Who remembers that primary school song*

 Stop ignoring my goals.
                  Good things only happen to people who makes an effort. A part of making an effort is setting goals for oneself. Energy doesn't lie.

 Stop focusing on just today.
                 The future is now, start working towards it.

Stop isolating myself.
                      Learn to incorporate the people you love into your goals and hobbies. Social isolation can kill people.      

Stop comparing oneself to others.
                     The only person you can compete with today is the person you were yesterday. Only admire and try to learn from successful people how they were able to achieve success in that area you seem to have weak points. Be confident in yourself enough not to compete with others has it might harm your self-esteem.

 Stop living in the past.
                          Don't define yourself by who you were, or waste your time wallowing in self-pity of the mistakes you made in the past, instead strive to work on yourself and learn from your past also work towards being a better person..>>> Remember, failure is feedback<<<<<

 Stop moving with visionless people.
                          Successful people don't move with negative and dishonest people. Bad communication corrupt good manners which means choose your friends.

*success comes out from acceptance of your skill coupled with determination also not forgetting the place of God.*


Monday, 26 October 2015



Whenever I look around and I see young (both teens and youths especially the female gender) minds with so much energy,  channeling their activeness in thing that might make their future stagger……… I feel an instant pain in my heart........This has prompted me to write this article. 
         Many a times life is not as smooth as we have imagined,                             there is a whole lot of struggle out there. Today’s swagger                          might be tomorrows stagger. The world needs so many good                     people but it’s just too funny that there are so many people                        who doesn’t want to help others.

Get ready to be different. Do it without thinking of what might be said of you!!!!!!!  

          One faithful day I asked myself “can people’s opinion about me pay my school fees??” trust me you know the answer….But the moment you decide in your very own self to live a fulfilled, purposeful, brave and a cheerful life. Not forgetting to love life; that very moment change has come upon you.  

            Unfortunately a lot of young girls haven't had a glimpse of how beautiful they are and how big what’s inside of them is, instead they prefer to settle for the crumbles of life.Simply because they want to flow with the trend.

Get ready to plan. If you fail to plan then you are planning to fail. I tell you DON’T BE SCARED YOU ARE A QUEEN!!!!  QUEENS are courageous. You can pursue your dreams and still have your dignity intact without doing anything ugly.
            First you must acknowledge what you want and what you are better with.

I can say energy doesn’t lie…. “on a special day I told myself I need to stand up for what’s right and start planning my future also to break away from the growing pattern of things that has been holding so many teenagers down”……..

Get ready to do the act of kindness. Be nice to people, it is a characteristic of the magnanimous woman. Learn to have a positive attitude towards people by going out of your comfort zones. It might be stressful but it is directly proportional to the ability to entertain the uncomfortable.

In all GET READY for life.

Sunday, 4 October 2015


Growing up, I decided to take life a little faster,
Met some friends, who wanted to foster,
I concurred being so eager,
I never knew I was headed to disaster.

I enjoyed having the fun,
Immorality engulfed my days,
No alarm for  future days.

Alas, now I want more,
God's way get to me no more,
My inner self aches, searched for the cause,
My quest void of answer .

I turned to my closest friend,
Please help, please help am feeling too depressed,
He replied : am sorry but we are the same and I have nothing more,
My spirit ached Tears, unavailing .

There is a hollowness in my spirit senses,
I feel as if I’m living  under false pretenses,
Am depressed help me.

Alas, reminisce gazed at me,
I remembered I had a creator,
 He is my last hope,
I cried and begged for mercy,
Once I was foolish, and sin ruled my heart,
Causing my footsteps from God to depart.

Alas he dropped in my mind,
Romans 3; 23- 24  for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
 and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.
Grace found me!!!!!!

Halelujaah Grace is changing my disgrace,
Grace has given me high grade,
Grace has raised me,
Grace has made me great.

…………..its turning around for me……

Tuesday, 22 September 2015


an inspirational video.

Monday, 21 September 2015


Inspirational video done by me.

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Chasing A Visionary Dream

A dream is worthwhile when worked on
A work is earnest towards the path of a vision
A vision is meaningful if aimed at a people
A people is significant when loved

The chase after a dream start in the mind
The mind is the right avenue for your decision
Your decision to be different in the chase of that dream
Working on a vision only you have the best knowledge of

You will need people around you
People who share in the vision that you have towards that dream
To whom shall see the potential in you?
Positive men who apprehend and ready to work with your vision

People who speak life, not discouragement
Urging you on:
Saying you can do it with the Help of God
Chasing a visionary dream

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Practically if we search our inner mind, it will be amazing to find out what we really can do.

If we put our minds and body to action we would see that we can create an empire.

The most common question I get is:

                                          ‘how long does it takes to be a Queen’

There is actually no particular time for one to become a queen. You become a queen the moment you make the decision in your mind.

 What you need now is to make the decision, I AM A QUEEN. Even if you don’t believe it, continue to say it. Don’t stop at saying it, you have to work towards it. It doesn’t take time, the time it takes is your CHOICE.
                                                             Yes your Choice!!!

The determination for you to stand up and tell yourself you are a queen. .The time to build yourself up as such. You have that inner power, your determination will be the driving force.

 Take that decision of letting your QUEEN out to your world and working towards that decision.
                      I mean 'Work towards it'.

Thursday, 27 August 2015

 "birds of the same feather flock together" they say,

                                                                              A queen has an exceptional vision for her life and that is where  her greatness lies, making it  impossible for her to settle for less.

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Monday, 24 August 2015

Queens are skillful.

Queens are skillful.

Her majesty is having a make-up tutorial on the 25/Aug/2015 by 12am prompt at Zhevova 3, Ternopil city Ukraine.It's going to be breathtaking.
                      There will be enlightenment on facial products and refreshment!!!
AND LOTS MORE....      
                                      Just for 100 hryvnia.....

Sunday, 23 August 2015

Who is a queen?

As I wrote this blog, a male friend of mine who happened to be around asked me; “what is beauty?”

Wow, what a nice question!  I thought.

                           Hmm, I see beauty as a genuine heart, a heart that loves and cares for humanity. Wikipedia described Beauty as; the quality of being pleasing, especially to look at, someone or something that gives great pleasure, especially when looking at it. Looking at the above definition of beauty, I thought to myself, wait a second.... beauty is the definition of a QUEEN

            To be a queen you have no other choice but to be a carrier of beauty. You would be looked at as beautiful if you posses some vital qualities which include having a genuine heart that show love and care to people. These qualities give pleasure to those who look at you
                         Obviously from my writing, you would discern that I am not seeing beauty as a matter of the exterior, but rather as a matter of the heart.

                         Bees, as social insects have the queen as their head. She is responsible for reproduction of young ones. She will have to go on nuptial flight with numerous drones (a class of bees who are responsible for fighting among themselves to mate the queen). The lucky drone who will win the battle will have the chance to mate with the queen to produce young ones. The interesting thing is that, this particular drone will die after it mates with the queen. This is because the queen extracts its male genital. The drones knowing what will befall them after mating with the queen still go ahead and mate with her. Possibly, they pride that at least they produced a generation before death.
Now, that is the reality of how the queen is important even in the insect kingdom!!!

                          We all know that in the game of chess, the queen is the only entity that can move in any direction. Making it the most important! I bet you that a good win in the game of chess win be as a result of a well-used queen.

The significance of a queen cannot be overemphasized!!!

                          A queen understands her position as a place of power. A woman of dignity. The queen is the best of women. In a kingdom, if the king is to choose his queen he would literally go for the very best. Exactly!!! The Very best!!!

                          A queen is confident!!! Confidence places you higher. A queen has got a will power!!!An attitude that says; “I can do anything”. The will power to say; “I am not subjected to be looking around for someone to love me. I love me and as a result love others. She has got the will power to believe that God created her for something special. She has got the will power to believe that she is the mother of nations.

                           Confidence is a substance of the mind. It starts in the mind. It is all about believing in you. It’s a quality that ends up growing. It doesn’t happen at once. In all areas of your life as a lady, you start up with a confidence and grow in it. Because there are so many things you still have to battle with. Confidence is more like having faith and believing that I can do the things I set out to do. It doesn’t mean that there won’t be challenges, but rather seeing beyond those challenges and fears and focusing in the positive. Then it gets to the point when you are sure of it. Confidence can also be seen in the light of passing across what you actually know in a polite manner.

                          I read an article, a professor entered a class, told his students that there is a test. The students sat glued to their seats as the sheets laid in front of them. “Start work”, the professor alarmed. Sheet were turned and all the student could see was a black dot. They were all confounded. Then the Prof. told them, “write what you see”. All confused decided to write about the black dot meanwhile there was a big white sheet of paper in front of them. Only 2% few wrote about the white sheet.

                           A queen doesn’t take a dim view about life. There is white sheet of paper that is being positive in which you can take to make your life better, Rather than a black dot which might be a setback. “Perfection is not a state you have gotten to, but the process of striving”

                          A queen is an automatic role model. She is a source of inspiration to her people, others will want to follow her ways.

                         A queen beliefs in herself (what she can create). I watched a presenter interview Michelle Obama. The presenter asked the first lady if she would have been the First Lady of America if she hadn’t found herself with Barack Obama. The First Lady gave a profound answer saying she believed she could make any man The President. This is a perfect example of a woman who understand her position as a queen.

A lady cannot exercise that power except she put herself in that position of a Queen.